Thanks for praying!
- )International Jesus?What would Jesus' selfie look like?:What did Jesus look like? Did he look like this first picture below? (read about the pic here) Was he ugly ("He had absolutely no beauty that we would be attracted to him" -Isaiah 53:2 )? How do you feel about the second picture of Jesus? (Be sure toread about the "white Jesus and Santa" scandal here) Of course he was an Asian Hebrew Jewish Oriental Mediterranean..but for Christians who believe he is still alive, what do you think he looks like now? or will look like later (Read Revelation ch 1)?
Watch these two clips below by Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastor of a church called House for All Sinners and Saints. Then if you are brave (profanity alert), click here to watch Nadia talk about her autobiography. How you respond to a female pastor with tattoos who cusses, and is nicknamed The Sarcastic Lutheran?
The 'real' Colbert (not in character).in a clip David Dark calls
"The Redeeming Witness of Stephen Colbert" speaks at a Congressional Hearing on migrant farmworkers,
preaching from Matthew 25, no less.
Transcript here; video below..
(hope to post an earlier section when i find it, it was pretty explosive, see this)
Later note, found more...see below
(hope to post an earlier section when i find it, it was pretty explosive, see this)
Later note, found more...see below
Here was the first part of his testimony, in character:
Complete Q and A, see (Colbert at 0: 07: 47ff , 0:49:00ff and 0::53:00ff):
- Zimbardo on Colbert: "I teach Sunday School"
- Bart Ehrman on Colbert: "Jesus is an Elephant"
Case study: "you never know when your life's about to change: --
LAMB OF GOD FIRST, Pick a case study from your signature assignment options
THEN watch the "Lamb of God" video's embedded below, or click this if you prefer a media player) Give major attention to the idea of what people the and now expected the Messiah to be, and how Jesus. How did they (and how) do we misunderstand Jesus and his mission? His Kingdom? How would a member of the party you are assigned to understand/misunderstand how Jesus acted in this video? How might the person(s) Jesus/you are helping in your case study understand/misunderstand Jesus, if Jesus is how he is presented in this video?
Christus Victor:
Christus Victor (Christ the Victor) is a view of the atonement taken from the title of Gustaf Aulén’s groundbreaking book, first published in 1931, where he drew attention back to the early church’s Ransom theory. In Christus Victor, the atonement is viewed as divine conflict and victory over the hostile powers that hold humanity in subjection. Aulén argues that the classic Ransom theory is not so much a rational systematic theory as it is a drama, a passion story ofGod triumphing over the powers and liberating humanity from the bondage ofsin. As Gustav Aulén writes, “the work of Christ is first and foremost a victory over the powers which hold mankind in bondage: sin, death, and the devil.”[1]Christus Victor
The Ransom Theory was predominant in the early church and for the first thousand years of church history and supported by all Greek Church Fathersfrom Irenaeus to John of Damascus. To mention only the most important names Origen, Athanasius, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Gregory of Nazianzus, and John Chrysostom. The Christus Victor view was also dominant among the Latin Fathers of the Patristic period including Ambrose, Augustine,Leo the Great, and Gregory the Great.
A major shift occurred when Anselm of Canterbury published his Cur Deos Homo around 1097 AD which marks the point where the predominate understanding of the atonement shifted from the ransom theorySatisfaction Doctrine in the Roman Catholic Church and subsequently the Protestant Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church still holds to the Ransom or Christus Victor view. This is built upon the understanding of the atonement put forward by Irenaeus, called “recapitulation”.[2]
to the
As the term Christus Victor indicates, the idea of “ransom” should not be seen in terms (as Anselm did) of a business transaction, but more of a rescue or liberation of humanity from the slavery of sin. Unlike the Satisfaction or Penal-substitution views of the atonement rooted in the idea of Christ paying the penalty of sin to satisfy the demands of justice, the Christus Victor view is rooted in the incarnation and how Christ entered into human misery and wickedness and thus redeemed it. Irenaeus called this “Recapitulation” (re-creation). As it is often expressed: “Jesus became what we are so that we could become what he is”. LINK
Christus Victor texts:
Matthew 12:28 (drop down Luke 11:20)
Mark 10:45
Luke 4: 1-21
John 1:4-5
John 12:31-33
Romans 5:15-21
Romans 8:31-39
Romans 16:19
1 Corinthians 2:6-7
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Ephesians 1: 19-23
Ephesians 4: 7-10
Ephesians 6:12
Colossians 1:13-14
Colossians 2:8-19
Hebrews 2:14
1 Peter 3:21-22
I John 3:8
Penal Substitution or Christus Victor, Clinton Arnold:
Penal Substitution or Christus Victor (on theories of the atonement) from :redux on Vimeo.
Case Study
Think about what comes to your mind when I say "communion" or "The Lord's Supper" or "The Eucharist" or "The Mass" (or words from your church tradition for what is commonly called communion.
1)Write down below.three words or phrases that come to mind
2)Watch this video
at THIS LINK instead :
or click here to watch on facebook:
part 1
part 2
Ray Vander Laan "Roll Away the Stone" part 1
Posted by Dave Wainscott on Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Ray Vander Laan "Roll Away the Stone" part 2
Posted by Dave Wainscott on Wednesday, July 30, 2014
3)Now that you have seen the video, how might your words/images/feelings for communion change. What words come to mind now?
4)How does this video combine answers to the two key questions of class: Who is Jesus? What is church?